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can i have this dance?
Saturday, November 26, 2011 @ 8:51 AM

hello! sooo, the sec 4s and 5s had our graduation night on Monday, 21st november 2011 @ bukit batok civil club. i was very excited to see what my friends will be wearing. in fact, they look both stunning and charming *thumbs up* 

sexy sixteen
Friday, August 19, 2011 @ 6:33 AM

 first and foremost, i would like to wish my dear girl 
we hope you had the greatest birthday celebration ever. :) sorry if we make it obvious, but im glad it went well. im happy that we get to iftar together and celebrate you birthday also. i appreciate you guys. luvvv u

Sunday, April 24, 2011 @ 10:09 AM

holla! im back in action! :) sorry for  neglecting this boring blog of mine. hmm so anyway, recently i celebrated my birthday with awesome friends and bf (hehe) at marina bay sands. im not gonna write down what happened. just gonna write a short post on tht day. so met yusuf at bedok inter. he wished me happy bday and gave me a cuteee soft toy. the cat from shrek. hehe, trained to bugis, took 133 but actually we took the wrong bus supposed to take at the opposite bustop. so alighted at amk and cabb-ed to mbs. reached there, camwhored. then nad asked me to walk with her around mbs. oh yeah there was dayah, razz,nad, naim, dewi , lydiana and not forgetting, yusuf lah haha, so yusuf and nad asked me to close my eyes. when i come suddenly they sang me a birthday song and there's a chocolate cake in front of me. soooo sweet of them i almost melted hahaha. stayed there till 8 plus. bused to bugis took train to bedok. lydiana and nad went home while the rest of us had our dinner at popeyes. took 222 home with dewi and yusuf. so, yusuf sent me till m lift area. so i wanna thank you guys for the birthday surprise. appreciate it alot! <3 love u.

the sound of missing you.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011 @ 2:53 AM

hi. nowadays im very lazy to update this blog. just recover from my fever. alhamdullilah. :) went to sch alone. saw shahirah & yanna at sch bustop. lucky i was not late cause i took my own sweet time. heh. first period was art, at one point of tell, i can hardly breathe. funny scene. yadayada did my art, decided to go to level 4 toilet to tie my hair. guess what, while combimg my hair, the lights suddenly switched off by itself. i went out to see who did it but there's no one. creepy huh. so whatever.recess next, while otw to class to put my artfile, saw eqaah along th corridor. hugged her. whee. miss you b. <3 had moter tongue remedial then went home with apple! :) that's all for today. and not forgetting, happy belated 16th birthday babyboo, i miss you so much.

Friday, January 21, 2011 @ 5:31 AM

happy second monthsary, yg tak menjadi and happy birthday N. <3

where did you go?
Saturday, January 15, 2011 @ 7:31 AM

hello! today is a saturday. did nothing but surfed the net and then sleep like a pig. oink oink. hmm. let me talk about yesterday. it was a friday. end school at 12.30. eqaah needs to decorate her class so me and suxiu waited for her at the study area. walked around the school, ate garlic bread. alex and syukri then joined us. after she's done, met fiz, hairel, shafiq, naz and amirul at the block opposite 7 eleven. sat down and chit chatted. all of us decided to go home and change. so me and suxiu walked home. unfortunately, it rained. we walk through the rain. brr, so cold. went to suxiu house, she changed then went to my house. took 67 to tampines inter. before that, bought goreng pisang at mr teh tarik. yum yum. met them outside the library. we then went to the 2nd level. settled down at one of this room. the librarian keep saying "shhh shhh" which annoys me alot. hairil and shafiq sat at another table, while me, eqaah, suxiu, naz and hafiz sat opposite hairil and shafiq. amirul sat with another stranger. all of us did maths. naz dah semangat nak ajar hafiz. haha. while doing our math, the librarian came and told us that each table can only occupy 4 people. so me and suxiu moved to hairil and shafiq's table. we 4 then decided to go to the 1st level so it'll be easier for us to communicate. we didnt tell eqaah where we're going. ahha. so, finished up my maths homework. chit chatted and joked around with shafiq and hairil. funny. suxiu texted eqaah saying that we already went home. skali amirul and naz came down to check on us. haiyeee. since we're all hungry, decided to eat. but we got no idea where to have dinner at. at first naz wanted to eat at this mamak shop. then i thought of going long john. so yeah, walked to tamp mall. oh btw, rifqi also joined us. that cute boy :) heh. eqaah then merajuk with fiz cause he disturbed her. haha. reached 4th level, ljs was full :/ fiz thought of taking away the food then eat somewhere else, but then i told him let's go food culture instead. yeah, walked to century sq. talked with rifqi all the way. he so cute please. *.*  the place was also full. so decided to sit outdoor. but then it was squeezy so me and mirul found another bigger table for us. mirul sat beside me, on my left rifqi sat on my right then naz was beside him. suxiu opposite mirul, eqaah opp me, fiz opposite rifqi, hairil opposite naz. i ordred stingray with ray abeh ader satu org tu kpo order at the same stall as me. haha. after ordering, i came back to my table abeh si rifqi tukar tmpat. dorang kuranghajar asked naz to sit beside me. -.- abeh fiz tak habis2 kacau. rifqi said that we shud do this more often, we're like a family. ahah cute right. we then decided to slack at the block nearby tamp mall. played taiti, goodmorning jack and police and thief. thereaction all so funny. played till 10. rifqi and hairil decided to go home. left me, eqaah, suxiu, naz, fiz & mirul. naz decided to go to the playground and share ghost story. it was scary like shit. the best part was, we all screamed coz of this sound that was made by this guy. ahah so funny. went home at 11. fiz, naz and eqaah walked home while me suxiu and mirul took 67. oh ya mirul sent us home. hehe thanks. asked mum to fetch me at th bustop cause i was really scared. aha. reached home, bathed, surfed the net and otp with eqaah. slept early cause was really tired. in conclusion, i enjoyed it so much. <3

i need to finish doing my ps works by tmrw. or else im dead.. haiyeso stress lah. aiyo. decided to do leaf pattern instead of shadow. i need inspiration. haha. okay getting tired and sleepy. goodnight!

tell me why.
Monday, January 10, 2011 @ 6:07 AM

hello. guess what? i survived the first week of school in BTSS! yay me. today is the 2nd week of 2011. monday not blues. haha. had a nice monday today. for p.e, we did physical training. that's all. hmm. i really need to start doing my prep work for art haiye. stress aku.  anyways, after school, head to mac with eqaah. met din and hazwan. i ate mcwings. hehe. since im still hungry, i bought mcnuggets, whee. we then slacked at the block opposite. then homeee. heh. okay will update again tmrw, oh not forgetting, i miss you so much wan :(